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March 2, 1997


Some of our parents died for it, others lost children, relatives, loved ones or friends and now it seems it was for nothing. What am I referring to? Democracy, and the right to VOTE.

For many years I did my part, quietly. I would read the candidates literature, listen to them speak and do homework researching their record. It took me 10 years and an unfortunate development to realize that was not enough. My recent involvement in the process was rewarding and disappointing. Although the candidate I actively supported did win; by a significant margin; over incumbents, the voter turnout was dismal, something like 22%. Even that was 50 percent better than the previous election, but that is embarrassing!

The old saying that if you don't vote, don't complain isn't enough this time. Past elections for president of Wheeling brought out a staggering low turnout. If this happens again you the voting public must think everything is ok. Well I say get your head out of the sand and look around. Wheeling is being laughed at. No grocery store, 20 acres at the corner of Dundee and Milwaukee which is owned by the Village is vacant and not only unproductive but also missing sales tax revenues from business that were removed by the village, a train station grant nearly lost, that same train station completed belatedly at what cost besides lost ridership, fighting between the village and school board and between the village and it's park district, an expensive; ill placed unreliable fountain, loss of Family Fest, loss of Target store, $300,000 TIF subsidy for a developer.

we have a unique opportunity here in Wheeling, A real choice in the leadership of our Village into the next century. So, please don't just sit there and let it happen - Do Something - VOTE and make it happen!


Gary Hittleman
(847) 297-4327 days
(847) 520-3373 evenings

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