Directions to Camp Edwards, East Troy, Wisconsin

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Phone Number to call if you get lost or need more specific directions: 262-642-7466.

From Route 12 North, to Lake Geneva
Exit Hwy 120 North (toward Burlington)
2.2 Miles to 4-way stop
(note, hwy 36 turns right)
Go forward on Hwy 120, about 10 miles to East Troy
East (right?) on ES, cross Hwy 20, another 1.2 miles
Left on Army Lake Road
Just after Sawyers Meat Market
½ mile entrance on Left

From 94/294 West toward Milwaukee
Exit Hwy 20 West toward Waterford, to East Troy
Go past 43
Right on ES (4-way stop)
Left on Army Lake Road
Just after Sawyers Meat Market
½ mile entrance on Left