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Enjoy a year-round vacation right here at home! Nine parks located throughout the Village present unparalleled opportunity for fun and fitness, learning and socializing. Seven park commissioners work with a professional recreation team to provide one of the most comprehensive leisure programs of any community of our size in Northern Illinois.

Our newest source of pride, the Community Recreation Center, 333 West Dundee Road, is home to the Wheeling Park District offices, a fully-equipped state-of-the-art fitness center, gymnasium, walking and jogging track, locker and shower facilities, indoor and outdoor playgrounds; plus classrooms and meeting rooms for arts and crafts, the performing and domestic arts, music and dancing, even computers! Parentchild interactive programs are offered, and for inclement weather, there's the Rainy Day indoor play program. Classroom capacity ranges from 25 to 250.

Oceans of fun await when you take to the water at the awardwinning Wheeling Park District Aquatic Center at 327 West Dundee Road. It's a summer-long water adventure for all ages, all degrees of swimming proficiency. The Aquatic Center boasts a zero depth pool that includes water slides, playgrounds, adult spa, picnic shelters, grassy plots for tanning and sandy courts for volleyball. Park District staff earned the National Aquatic Safety Award in its opening year (1993), a distinction placing it in the top 3 percent of performance and safety standards.

Golf's been the game at Chevy Chase for 75 years. This beautifully maintained 18-hole championship course at 1000 North Milwaukee Avenue may truly be called a "players' course" with its challenging 6,721 yards and water hazards at 14 holes. Pro shop, indoor driving range, cart and club rentals, practice green, league play, modern locker rooms and videotaped lessons complete the full club privileges available.

The showplace Chevy Chase Clubhouse with its Gable Room Restaurant is open for breakfast and luncheon throughout the week. Three banquet rooms accommodate from 30 to 600 guests. A lure for dancers since 1920, the tradition continues with Big Band Ballroom dancing every Wednesday and kickup-your-heels Country Western hoedowns on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Other parks are located throughout the Village. Mark Twain at 505 East Merle Lane has a gymnasium and softball field. Horizon Park at 378 Schoenbeck Road is home to three softball fields. Three baseball fields, two softball fields (one of which is lighted), soccer fields, a picnic shelter and four lighted tennis courts highlight Heritage Park at 222 South Wolf Road. Neptune's Pool at 900 South Elmhurst Road has a year-round indoor pool. Chamber Park at 251 North Wolf Road is the setting for Chamber Church, Wheeling's Historical Society Museum, a recreation building, playground, ice skating and a picnic shelter. Childerley Park at 506 McHenry Road is the current recipient of the District's ongoing renovation and upgrading program.

Another stretch of green is found at Wheeling's eastern boundary, marked by the Des Plaines River and, beyond, the Cook County Forest Preserve. The Forest Preserve provides residents and business employees the ability to jog, ride horses, canoe, fish, or ride bicycles through the preserve which stretches through Cook County and connects to Lake and DuPage Counties as well.

In cooperation with the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA), our Park District offers yearround leisure opportunities for persons of all ages. Certified professional staff understand the needs of those with physical, mental, visual, hearing, behavioral or emotional limitations.

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"Business of the year" award!

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