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Welcome Wagon Club of
Buffalo Grove/Wheeling


How to become part of the action

Welcome Wagon International sets out a list of guidelines to help the club run as smoothly and organized as possible. I think we do a pretty good job, but we can always use fresh ideas. As each fiscal year ends, nominations are held for various board positions

The following are the 1998-99 board position descriptions

PRESIDENT: This person presides at board meetings, corresponds with Welcome Wagon International, resolves member grievances, ensures a smooth running organization
1st VICE
handles public relations and membership functions. This includes advertising the Club name and activities in local newspapers, on the internet , in area businesses and through the Welcome Wagon Hostesses. Prospective members call and ask about the club, and you send information and newsletters to them and follow up with a phone call. Any new member information is forwarded to the secretary for the newsletter. Access to a computer would be helpful with this position.
2nd VICE
Plans, organizes and schedules the Annual Kick Off Dinner, Salad Supper and General Meetings
SECRETARY Takes notes at monthly board meetings, gathers information, organizes, edits and publishes, photocopies and mails monthly newsletter. Access to a computer is necessary for this position.
TREASURER Collects dues, maintains Club's bank account, keep accurate records of Club's finances, reports all receipts, expenditures and bills outstanding at board meetings.
PLAYGROUP Organizes and schedules weekly playgroups at member's houses.
MOMS N TOTS Plans, organizes and schedules recreational and educational field trips with parents and young children
Makes club members aware of guidelines and use of babysitting coop. Updates lists of participants, keeps track of coupon counts, schedules "get acquainted" meetings for members
FUNDRAISING Plans and organizes fundraising activities throughout the year. This could be entertainment books, Dominick and Jewel Days, yard sales, etc.
SUPPER CLUB Plans and schedules dining for ladies and/or couples at area restaurants about 6 times a year
This is a combination of BOOK CLUB, GAME NIGHT, CRAFTS, MOVIE NIGHT, etc. This is a new position and will be chaired by 2 members

Note: To encourage nominations, boardmember receive a reduced annual fee!!!!

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